Tag Archive: Wheelchair sports

  1. Invictus Games in Toronto

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    We are so proud to own and operate our business in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. During our 55 years, we have seen Toronto grow into a vibrant, first class international city.  Beaches, parks, amazing entertainment venues, tourist attractions, renowned universities and hospitals, great shopping and some of the best restaurants in the world; we have it all.  We are blessed with a very diverse population that practices inclusion of all peoples regardless of culture, religion, life choices or capabilities.  We are so fortunate to live in such a beautiful part of the world.

    This week, we are also proud that the Invictus Games are being held in the Toronto.  The Invictus Games, being held between Sept 23rd and 30th, were started three years ago, by Prince Harry of Wales.  The prince has been in attendance at many events in our city.  He even accompanied athletes to Niagara Falls for a day trip.


    The Invictus Games is an international Paralympic-style multi-sport event, in which wounded, injured or sick armed services personnel and their associated veterans take part in adaptive sports including:

    Athletics event 2017


    • Wheelchair basketball
    • Wheelchair rugby
    • Wheelchair tennis
    • Cycling
    • Golf
    • Athletics
    • Power-lifting
    • Swimming
    • Sitting volleyball
    • Indoor rowing


    These adaptive sports help athletes develop a sense of belonging; increase self-esteem; create an outlet for excess energy; improve quality of life; and foster a sense of camaraderie with other wounded service members.

    These men and women gave of themselves with pride to keep our world safe and maintain our freedoms.  The “I Am” motto of the games lends to the Canadian determination that we can achieve anything, if we put our hearts into our efforts.  Please support the Invictus Games by attending events, volunteering and spreading the word.  Shake hands with a veteran and express your gratitude for their selflessness.

    If you are a visitor to our great city, we welcome you and hope you enjoy your stay.  Be sure to dine out at any casual, family, food court or fine dining establishment.  Pressure-Kleen appreciates your contribution to the Toronto economy.

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